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[iba Lifesciences] MEXi-CM Culture medium for MEXi-293E cells

관리자 2022.12.09 11:19 조회 848 추천 21

MEXi-CM Culture medium for MEXi-293E cells


Description  Data sheets  Protocols  Application notes  Further content

MEXi-CM culture medium is a serum-free, chemically defined medium especially developed for growth of high-density MEXi-293E cells. The low biotin content (120 µg/l) enables efficient and convenient purification with the aid of the Strep-tag® technology. It is part of the MEXi mammalian expression system.

The MEXi system was developed to offer an affordable mammalian protein expression system coming along with all essential components:

• MEXi-293E cell line
• A variety of 
pDSG expression vectors
MEXi-CM culture medium
MEXi-TM transfection medium

Further advantages:
• Transient expression for time- and cost-efficient protein production
• Multiple expression vectors with different features
• Optimized for Twin-Strep-tag
®:Strep-Tactin®XT system for highly pure proteins
• IP-free system






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