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[BROADPHARM] Innovative Protein Crosslinking Kits help you achieve your goals.

관리자 2023.04.19 10:38 조회 669 추천 13

Protein Crosslinking Kits

Dear Researchers,


As someone who is passionate about research, you know the importance of having the right tools to achieve your goals. That's why we are excited to introduce you to our innovative Protein Crosslinking Kits at BroadPharm.

Our kits are ideal for crosslinking between of all the molecules such as fluorescent dyes, proteins, peptides, Enzyme, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, and lipids.

BroadPharm's MagicLink™ protein crosslinking kits include an activating reagent, a protein concentrator, and a reaction buffer. Users can follow the simple protocol to get the desired conjugates in less than 2 hours. Get high-yield and stable conjugate biomolecules, even at ultra-low concentrations.


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