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[iba Lifesciences] CD3 Fab-TACS® Agarose Column Starter Kit, human

관리자 2022.12.05 14:22 조회 872 추천 27


CD3 Fab-TACS® Agarose Column Starter Kit, human


Fab-TACS® - Traceless Affinity Cell Selection - is a positive cell isolation approach based on our Strep-tag® technology. CD3 Fab-TACS® Agarose Column Starter Kit allows label-free isolation of human CD3+ T cells from whole blood, buffy coat, PBMCs or other cell suspensions. CD3 is a co-receptor that associates with the T cell receptor and plays a role in T cell activation.

Strep-Tactin® TACS Agarose columns are filled with Strep-Tactin® coated agarose macrobeads developed for cell isolation. Low affinity Fab fragments fused to a Twin-Strep-tag® (Fab-Streps) bind to the matrix. Target cells adhere to the matrix based on the exclusive binding of the Fab-Strep to a surface marker. Non-target cells are efficiently washed away. In a final step, the addition of biotin causes the elution of the target cells and the Fab-Streps. After elution, the Fab-Streps self-dissociate from the cell surfaces due to their low affinity. The label-free authentic target cells are now ready for further downstream applications.


• Highly pure cells 
• Reversible binding to the target
• Highly viable, non-activated cells
• Label-free cells due to low affinity Fab fragments


The kit contains:
• Strep-Tactin® TACS Agarose columns , 1 ml (2x)
• CD3 Fab-Strep, human
• 10x Buffer CI
• Biotin stock solution
• TACS Column Adapter


For total cell numbers below 1 x 108, we recommend our Strep-Tactin® Magnetic Microbeads for free scalability.



Capacity:  1 x 10^9 total/1x10^8 target cells per column

Shipping information

Storage: 2-8 °C

Stability: 6 months after shipping

Shipping: Room temperature


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