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[SCRIPPS] Special Offer for FSH β-Subunit, LH α-Subunit and β-Subunit 50% OFF

관리자 2022.06.27 10:27 조회 892 추천 22

Special Offer for FSH β-Subunit, LH α-Subunit and β-Subunit

50% off

We wanted to inform you that Scripps decided to discontinue some of our products. 

To this end, Follicle Stimulating Hormone, β-Subunit (Cat No. F0814), Luteinizing Hormone, α-Subunit (Cat No. L0914) and Luteinizing Hormone, Human, β-Subunit( Cat No. L1014) will be discontinued.  

We will be clearing our stock of this product and are delighted to offer you a 50% reduction on any orders. 


Our new discounted pricing is as follows: 




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