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[EMS] C-flat™ Family of Holey Carbon, Gold Grids for Cryo-TEM

관리자 2022.12.21 09:46 조회 731 추천 16

C-flat™ Family of Holey Carbon,Gold Grids for Cryo-TEM


Electron Microscopy Sciences™ and Protochips™ announce the acquisition of the C-flat™ and Au-flat™ product lines by EMS, effective immediately. First launched in 2005, C-flat has been become an industry standard TEM grid within the structural biology community. Largely driven by the rapid growth of cryoEM and Single Particle Analysis (SPA) techniques, millions of C-flat grids have been used to support samples to help identify structures including viruses and membrane proteins.

All C-flat and Au-flat products can be purchased directly from EMS effective immediately, and the transition for our customers will be a seamless experience.We are excited to continue to offer and expand on the C-flat line and look forward to working with all of our current and new customers in the weeks and years ahead.

Learn more

CD-flat is designed for CD-TEM metrology of large specimens, like 3D NAND FIB lamella.

Au-flat an ultrastable Cryo-EM sample support with a 45nm holey Gold alloy film on 3mm gold mesh grids. Au-flat a derivative of patented C-flat improves image quality and resolution and reduces particle movement during imaging.

An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.

An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.

An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.

An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.

An ultra-flat, holey carbon-coated support grid for TEM. Manufactured without plastics, it is clean and without residue. Ultra-flat for better particle dispersion and more uniform ice thickness.


(주)엘바이오시스템은 EMS(Electron Microscopy Sciences)의 한국공식대리점입니다. 
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