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[ImmuSmol] Quantify L-Lysine by a simple method as ELISA!

관리자 2022.01.12 10:18 조회 1157 추천 27


Quantify L-Lysine by a simple method as ELISA!

L-Lysine (Lys) is an essential amino acid since it's not produced in the body and must be supplied through the diet. It's one of the building blocks for protein, peptide and non-peptide synthesis, and is thus found involved in several physiological and biochemical processes. As a result, Lys deficiency was shown to affect cell cycle, apoptosis, amino acid metabolism (1), and to even impair antibody responses as well as cell-mediated immune cell functions (2). In addition, and like other amino acids, Lys contributes to epigenetic and protein regulations and immunosuppression ; its catabolism activation generates acetyl-CoA which, for instance, promotes Wnt signaling and can support tumor growth (3).

Furthermore, imbalance in circulating Lys levels can be observed in many conditions such as i) inherited diseases on enzymes involved in Lys catabolism (e.g. glutaric aciduria type I or antiquitin deficiency), ii) diabetes-dependent cardiovascular disease (4), as well as iii) human immunodeficiency viruses-1 infection (5).

Therefore, Lys can serve as an easy-to-access surrogate marker to monitor and/or predict pathophysiological situations. Various basic methods are available for Lys determination, including colorimetric, radioisotope dilution, chromatographic, fluorometric, and voltametric assays, which are time-consuming and require highly skilled personnel. In order to provide an accurate and easy-to-implement tool to evaluate Lys functions, we developed and validated a novel ELISA kit (#IS-I-1400) for L-Lysine quantitation in plasma samples. The assay requires a sample volume as low as 20μL and is characterized by a 13µM sensitivity.


Sensitive & easy-to-implement

Typical standard curve obtained with the Lys ELISA kit (#IS-I-1400) where the optical density is inversely correlated with Phe concentration within a range of 16 - 650μM.

Cross-validated with LC/MS

Phe was quantified in human plasma samples from 38 subjects using IS-I-1400 ELISA kit and by LC/MS. Correlation between both methods gave a R-squared value above 0.98, thereby confirming the accuracy of the immunoassay.



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Valid until February 15, 2021


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