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[Kerafast] 4 Unique Proteins to Accelerate Your Research

관리자 2020.08.24 18:03 조회 1572 추천 23

Kerafast provides rapid access to many unique proteins, direct from academic laboratories around the world. Below, we highlight four of our most versatile proteins, useful for various applications and areas of study.

In need of another protein? Review our full list of proteins, enzymes and peptides.

MarathonRT Reverse Transcriptase
From the laboratory of Anna Marie Pyle, PhD, Yale University
- Comparable to that of other high-performance RTs, such as SSIV
- Copies transcripts at least 10 kb in length
- Superior intrinsic RT processivity, compared to SSIV
Soluble Human Transferrin Receptor
From the laboratory of Jonathan Abraham, MD, PhD, Harvard University
- Soluble form of transferrin (aa 121-760)
- Excellent for iron-binding or viral infection research
- Useful for delivery of peptides and toxins into cells
MultiDsk Ubiquitin Binding Protein Reagent
From a laboratory at Cancer Research Technology
- Binds ubiquitinated substrates with unprecedented avidity
- Highly stable; can tolerate high salt and detergent conditions whilst still binding
- Highly specific; does not bind ubiquitin-like modifiers SUMO and NEDD8
Biotinylated-Trx Loading Control Protein
From the laboratory of Leslie B. Poole, PhD, Wake Forest School of Medicine
- Reliable procedural and loading control for biotin-based affinity experiments
- Easily detected via Western blot
- Useful for detection, purification, crosslinking and labeling applications
Has your lab developed a protein that could be useful to the larger scientific community? Click here to learn how to make your reagents available via our catalog.
