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[ImmuSmol] New ELISA kit on sale for L-Arginine level assessment!

관리자 2021.09.28 10:36 조회 1717 추천 23

Our new ELISA kit on sale for L-Arginine level assessment!

How about to benefit from a promotional offer on our L-Arginine ELISA kit ?

We offer a new opportunity to accurately address Arginine levels in multiple types of samples, and at a preferential price!

ELISA Arginine quantification in mouse 4T1 tumor and non-tumor microdialysates. Mice were implanted with 4T1 breast tumor cells and then exposed to either PD1 or CTLA4 blockade treatment each alone or in combination. They were then processed for tumoral vs. non- tumoral microdialysis sampling for the determination of L-Arginine levels, among other metabolites. ELISA-based quantification of L- Arginine (using IS-I-0400 kit) highlights the lower arginine level within the tumor microenvironment with respect to non-tumor compartment – underlining tumor arginine consumption. Also, this level seems not to be modulated upon single anti-PD1 or anti- CTLA4 agents – the 4T1 model being known as non-responsive to these monotherapies, while PD1/CTLA4 blockade combination is shown to bring this level back to that in the non-tumor compartment. 

PI3K signaling pathway inhibition limits Arginase 1 activity of M2 polarized macrophages. During their polarization, M2 macrophages were treated with increasing concentrations of LY294002, a reference PI3K inhibitor. ELISA-based quantification of L-Arginine in the supernatants (using IS-I-0400 kit) reveals a dose-dependent inhibition of Arginine catabolism as highlighted by the increase of Arginine.


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