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[Creative Bioarray] FISH Service : A powerful and easy method to detect RNA or DNA sequences in cells and tissues.

관리자 2021.11.15 17:03 조회 2044 추천 23

FISH Service!!!

Fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH), developed in the 1980s, is a cytogenetic technique using fluorescent probes to bind the chromosome with a high degree of complementarity. It is a powerful and easy method to detect RNA or DNA sequences in cells, tissues, and tumors. This technique is useful for identifying chromosomal abnormalities, gene mapping, characterizing somatic cell hybrids, checking amplified genes and studying the mechanism of rearrangements. RNA FISH is used to measure and localize mRNAs and other transcripts within tissue sections or whole mounts.

Fig. 1 Scheme of the principle of the FISH experiment to localize a gene in the nucleus.

FISH is useful, for example, to help a researcher or clinician identify where a particular gene falls within an individual's chromosomes. The first step is to prepare short sequences of single-stranded DNA that match a portion of the gene the researcher is looking for. These are called probes. The next step is to label these probes by attaching one of a number of colors of fluorescent dye. DNA is composed of two strands of complementary molecules that bind to each other like chemical magnets. Since the researchers' probes are single-stranded, they are able to bind to the complementary strand of DNA, wherever it may reside on a person's chromosomes. When a probe binds to a chromosome, its fluorescent tag provides a way for researchers to see its location.


Creative Bioarray offers a range of different FISH services including:

  • Metaphase and Interphase FISH (chromosomal assignment and clone ordering)
  • Fibre-FISH (Chromosome Painting)
  • RNA-FISH (cell-based gene expression assay)
  • M-FISH (multicolour karyotyping)
  • 3D-FISH (on three-dimensionally preserved nuclei )
  • Flow-FISH (quantify the length of telomeres)
  • FISH on paraffin sections (analysis of archive material)
  • ImmunoFISH (combined FISH and IHC)

With combined academic and industrial experiences, we are confident that we will achieve high quality work and guarantee you complete satisfaction. As an important routine technique, FISH could be very time consuming. Creative Bioarray fully understands the details and pitfalls of FISH and histology. We will work side-by-side with you to find the best design to achieve your aims. Our service is efficient and reliable with relatively low cost.

Quotation and ordering

Our customer service representatives are available 24hr a day! We thank you for choosing Creative Bioarray at your preferred Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization (FISH) Service.


(주)엘바이오시스템은 Creative Bioarray의 한국공식대리점입니다.
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