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[iba] Products for protein interaction studies with biotinylated molecules

관리자 2021.08.23 10:57 조회 971 추천 26


Products for protein interaction studies
with biotinylated molecules

Dear Researchers,


today we would like to introduce and illustrate possible applications of reversible binding between Strep-Tactin® and biotinylated molecules, such as proximity-dependent biotin identification (BioID) and which of our products can be used here.


The high affinity of streptavidin to biotin is widely used in biotechnology to investigate biotinylated molecules, but the elution of these biotinylated molecules from streptavidin is difficult. An engineered lower affinity variant of streptavidin, called Strep-Tactin®, allows reversible binding of biotinylated molecules making them particularly suitable for purification of these biotinylated molecules.

A versatile tool for protein interaction studies 

Strep-Tactin® for reversible binding of biotinylated or Strep-tagged proteins



(주)엘바이오시스템은 Iba Lifesciences한국독점대리점입니다.
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