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Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® high capacity is a 4% agarose coupled with the streptavidin variant Strep-Tactin®XT and applicable for purification of Strep-tag®II or Twin-Strep-tag® fusion proteins. Due to the broad pH compatibility, excellent pressure stability, outstanding target purity (> 95%), and highest binding affinity, the resin is recommend for all protein classes, especially for low abundant or challenging proteins. The low concentrated agarose enables the simple attachment of larger proteins to the stationary phase, making it particularly suitable for purification of high-molecular-weight targets. In comparison to Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow®, Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® high capacity has a higher density of immobilized Strep-Tactin®XT, which leads to a 2-fold higher yield of purified protein.
The suspension can be used for packing of gravity flow columns since the resin is optimized for column affinity chromatography, rather than for batch purification. To pack a column with 1 ml resin bed volume, 2 ml 50% suspension are necessary.