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[Alomone Labs] Ion Channels | News & Updates

관리자 2019.08.12 15:42 조회 1754 추천 24

Products for Immuno-Colocalization
Alomone Labs has developed three innovative product lines for studying protein-protein interaction and/or protein co-localization:
Primary antibodies conjugated to biotin or ATTO-fluorescent dyes: These antibodies can be used in immunohistochemistry (IHC) and immunocytochemistry (ICC) with same species antibodies.
Antibodies raised in guinea pig: These second species antibodies can be used with any other non-guinea pig second species antibodies in immuno-colocalization studies such as IHC and ICC.
Toxins conjugated to ATTO-fluorescent dyes: These labeled toxins can be used with any antibody to obtain highly specific channel localization.

Guinea pig Anti-GABA(A) α1 Receptor (extracellular) Antibody (#AGP-083)

Expression of GABA(A) α1 Receptor in rat hippocampus:

Anti-TRPV4-ATTO-550 Antibody

Expression of TRPV4 in rat DRG:

Anti-Presenilin-1-ATTO-488 Antibody (#AIP-011-AG)

Immuno-colocalization of Calnexin and Presenilin-1 in mouse cortex:
Products for Live Cell Flow Cytometry
We put in tremendous effort in designing antibodies that recognize extracellular domains of proteins.
With Alomone Labs extracellular antibodies:
No need for cell permeabilization and fixation
Cell surface detection of proteins

Anti-Anoctamin-6 (extracellular)-FITC Antibody(#ACL-016-F)

Cell surface detection of ANO6 in live intact mouse P815 mastocytoma cells:

Anti-KV1.3 (KCNA3) (extracellular)-PE Antibody (#APC-101-PE)

Cell surface detection of KV1.3 in human Jurkat T-cell leukemia cells:
Products for Live Cell Imaging (LCI)
Alomone Labs is committed to developing cutting edge reagents for visualizing ion channels in live cell imaging (LCI) experiments. For this purpose we have established a line of antibodies recognizingextracellular epitopes of various ion channels. Below are new antibodies ideal for LCI.

Anti-Pannexin 2 (extracellular) Antibody(#ACC-232)

Cell surface detection of Pannexin 2 in live intact human U-87 MG glioblastoma cells:

Anti-Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor α2 (CHRNA2) (extracellular) Antibody

Cell surface detection of nAChRα2 in live intact rat PC12 pheochromocytoma cells:

Anti-NaV1.7 (SCN9A) (extracellular) Antibody (#ASC-027)

Cell surface detection of NaV1.7 in intact living rat pheochromocytoma PC12 cells:
Labeled Toxins as Probes for Detecting Ion Channels
Studying membrane proteins, namely ion channels, remains a challenge due to the nature of their complex structure. Using the unique and exclusive properties of peptide toxins, we have developed a novel tool for detecting ion channels in living cells and tissues.
Benefits of using labeled toxins:
Localization and distribution
Clustering and internalization kinetics
Live cell imaging
Single cell detection
Binding kinetics
A Bit of Color Goes a Long Way

MmTx1 Toxin-ATTO-488 (#STM-550-AG)

Purity: >99%
Target: Agonist of GABA(A) receptors
Alomone Labs MmTx1 Toxin-ATTO-488 labels GABA(A) α1 receptor in rat cerebellum:
Alomone Labs MmTx1 Toxin ATTO-488 binds to rat cerebellum:


We gladly take on collaboration projects. Please contact us.
Ion Channel Products in Featured Papers

A Potential Role for Kir5.1 Channel in pH Sensitivity in 5-HT Neurons

Serotonin (5-HT) neurons in the brain stem play an important role in maintaining/modulating ventilation and pH sensitivity for proper functioning of the neural network.

A search of age-related changes of pH-sensitive molecules in 5-HT neurons gave rise to the identification of Kir5.1 channel as a potential candidate in CO2/pH chemosensitivity in brainstem 5-HT neurons. Immunohistochemical staining of rat brainstem sections using Anti-Kir4.1 (KCNJ10) Antibody (#APC-035) and Anti-Kir5.1 Antibody (#APC-123) showed that both channels are expressed (green). However, Kir4.1 staining is limited to astrocytes, while that of Kir5.1 is detected in 5-HT neurons (Figure 1).

The authors do not rule out the possibility that other proteins, namely pH-sensitive ion channels may also be involved.


Figure 1. Expression of Kir4.1 and Kir5.1 channels in rat brainstem:
Adapted from Puissant, M.M. et al. (2017) Front. Cell. Neurosci. 11, 34. with permission of Frontiers.