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[Advanced BioMatrix] PureCol for 3D Airway Models

관리자 2021.06.10 14:29 조회 883 추천 26

PureCol for 3D Airway Models

PureCol for 3D Airway Models


Publication Title:

In Vitro 3D-Differentiated Airway Model from Primary Cystic Fibrosis Human Bronchial Cells

Advanced BioMatrix Products Used:

 ▶ PureCol® Type I Collagen, Atelocollagen, 3 mg/ml

 ▶ Collagen eBrochure

How the products were used:

Conditionally reprogrammed epithelial cells were seeded on PureCol® type I collagen coated membranes to form 3D air-liquid interface airway models.


Article Conclusion

"While GGC did not resolve LPS-induced IL-8 and IDO-1 activity, it effectively attenuated LPS-induced oxidative stress and stress granule formation, while significantly increasing total intracellular glutathione levels, metabolic viability and improving epithelial cell barrier integrity. Both therapeutic and prophylactic treatments were successful. Together, these findings indicate that GGC has therapeutic potential for treatment and prevention of oxidative stress-related damage to airways in cystic fibrosis."

Link to the publication:!po=36.1111 

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