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[iba] Cell Separation with Fab-TACS® technology - without magnetic labeling!

관리자 2019.02.21 13:54 조회 1864 추천 25

Cell Separation with Fab-TACS® technology - without magnetic labeling!

The fragment antigen-binding (Fab) traceless affinity cell selection (TACS) technology allows a convenient and easy way for cell separation. The desired cells can be selected directly from mouse blood, spleen, brain and lymph nodes. These cells are entirely free of microbead and antibody contamination. The positive separation of the target cells by Fab-TACS® technology is fully reversible. The purified cells are ready for in vivo use and further downstream applications. Read more about the technology here.


    Fab-TACS® Gravity columns for mouse CD3 and mouse CD4 cells

    Test it yourself!

    Send an email with your contact details to

    and order your free mCD3/mCD4 Isolation Introductory Kit*

    (find detailed information on the introductory kit here).

      *Includes : 2x Fab-TACS® Gravity columns (Capacity: up to 1x108 mouse target cells each), 2x Fab-Strep of  your choice (2x mCD3, 2x mCD4 or mCD3 + mCD4 Fab-Strep), Buffer CI (10x), Biotin Stock Solution. Distributors and IBA staff excluded. Free samples are limited to one per person/lab, only while supplies last. Free shipping to EU countries only. Valid until June 30th 2019.

      Cell separation workflow with Fab-TACS®

      cell separation workflow with fab-tacs®

      Separation of CD4 T cells from mouse splenocytes

      Positive separation of mCD4 T cells

      Figure: Positive isolation of mouse CD4+ T cells from splenocytes.

      Fab-TACS® technology results in higher yield, purity and viability in comparison to a competitor product. The bar chart indicates mean values of isolated target cells from three independent samples.

      Click the chart to enlarge.

      See how the Fab-TACS® Gravity technology works

      Cell isolation with Fab-TACS® Gravity

      IBA's unique Strep-tag®/Strep-Tactin® system is the platform for the novel traceless affinity cell selection (Fab-TACS) of cells. The innovative Fab-TACS procedure delivers label-free, non-activated target cells in a standardized manner of highly reproducible quality directly from whole blood or other blood preparations allowing a multitude of downstream applications.Key features: high purity, high yield, high viability!

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