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[BroadPharm] Highly water-soluble fluorescent dyes suggestion from 300nm to 800 nm

관리자 2021.03.18 14:08 조회 1172 추천 35


Thank you very much for using BroadPharm’s PEG linkers and biolabeling reagents. To further empower our client’s R&D in biolabeling, BroadPharm has developed a list of highly water-soluble fluorescent dyes to expand our catalog ranging from 300nm to 800 nm.




The three new dyes are highlighted below:




800CW is a near-infrared fluorescent dye with abs./em. Max. 780/800 nm. The dye has high water solubility, less aggregation, enhanced sensitivity (higher S/N) because the media has low background autofluorescence in the near-infrared region.
800CW conjugates is great for bioassay, tissue section imaging, and in vivo imaging and optical probe development.





Alexa Fluor 647 is a highly water-soluble far-red dye with abs./em. Max 646 nm /665 nm. It is widely used in immunolabeling, flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy.




Alexa Fluor 488 is a highly water-soluble green dye with conjugates that can be used in immunolabeling, flow cytometry and fluorescence microscopy.

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