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[iba Lifesciences] 20% off Promotion in October - Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow®

관리자 2022.09.28 14:02 조회 1229 추천 19
Promotion Product List


October Promotion! 

20% off  

Valid Date : Until October 31,2022

Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® References

 This is not a complete list of all references using Strep-Tactin®XT 4Flow® products, but a short overview of relevant and open access ones.

Classic capacity.  ▶ See attached


(주)엘바이오시스템은 iba lifesciences의 한국독점대리점 입니다.

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  1. Strep-TactinXT_4Flow_flyer-220928-02.pdf 다운로드횟수[2278]
  2. Strep-TactinXT_4Flow_flyer-220928.pdf 다운로드횟수[2117]