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[Alomone] Why Choose Alomone?

관리자 2019.07.22 19:52 조회 2412 추천 25
Why Choose Alomone?
In-House Production

We have the knowledge and the technology to produce unique, high quality, and reliable research tools for membrane proteins. Our commitment to ensure the quality and reliability of our products, has led us to develop and produce all technical processes in-house. As a result, we have a large portfolio in stock and available in various sizing options.
Reliability, Reproducibility & Results

Alomone Labs offers a unique product line. Each lot is tested and validated under stringent quality control testing. Antibodies are validated for specificity with the immunizing peptide in western blot analysis. Pharmacological reagents and recombinant proteins are bioassay tested in relevant biological systems. We are dedicated to producing reliable products that yield reproducible results.
Shelf-Life & Stability

All products are sent lyophilized at room temperature. Lyophilization keeps shipping costs low and ensures the stability of your product.     


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