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[Creative Biogene] Monkeypox pseudovirus products are currently available!

관리자 2022.05.31 10:30 조회 1572 추천 32

Pseudotyped Monkeypox Virus

Creative Biogene provides a series of pseudotyped Monkeypox virus products for our clients. Based on our experienced scientist team and well-running labs, we are aiming to offer high-quality virus products in a short turnaround time.

Monkeypox is a viral zoonosis (a virus transmitted to humans from animals) with symptoms similar to smallpox, although it is clinically less severe. In the past few days, over 92 cases across 11 countries (mostly in Europe, but also in US and Canada) were found and the number of cases is still increasing. Even though the Moneypox seems much less transmissible than the COVID19, it could be transmitted to humans through close contact with an infected animal or contaminated materials. Monkeypox is caused by monkeypox virus, a member of the Orthopoxvirus genus in the family Poxviridae. Monkeypox virus is an enveloped double-stranded DNA virus. For the clinical diagnosis, polymerase chain reaction (PCR) is the preferred laboratory test due to the high accuracy and sensitivity.

Creative Biogene provides pseudotyped Monkeypox virus products worldwide. Two Monkeypox pseudovirus products are currently available. The pseudotyped viruses are based on replication-deficient Ad5 virus and contain the gene-coding sequence of the Monkeypox virus. These products are non-infectious and safe to use. They could be used as a positive control or standard in the nucleic acid tests.




   The products are pseudotyped virus and replication-deficient, so it is safer when using.

High titer and high purity

   The products are highly purified in the manufacturing process and will be delivered in a high titer form (up to 10^8 copies/mL).

Stable and easy to store

   These products could be stored at -20°C for at least 6 months.

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(주)엘바이오시스템은 Creative Biogene의 한국공식대리점입니다.
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