For your convenience Aurion has
developed Ready-To-Use Incubation
buffer solutions, with long term stability, that significantly reduce the risk
of background. The main buffer component is AURION BSA-c™,
a unique buffer additive that prevents aspecific binding of antibodies and
immunodetection reagents to polycationic sites in the specimen like histone
proteins in the nucleus.
The Ready-To-Use Incubation buffer solutions
are applicable in all types of immuno(cyto)chemical procedures, not only in
ImmunoGold Silver Staining, also in immunofluorescence and immuno-enzymatic
techniques in microscopic and macroscopic applications.
AURION Ready-To-Use Incubation buffers:
Solutions to success in your immuno(cyto)chemical procedure!
In immuno(cyto)chemistry a good signal to noise ratio is the key
to success. To obtain low background levels, non-specific binding to the
‘sticky’ surfaces in the specimen, by multi-point hydrophobic interactions
between the specimen and immunoreagents, needs to be circumvented. There are
two ways to achieve this. The first option is the use of blocking proteins that
physically occupy non-specific binding sites. This blocking step is applied
prior to the incubation with primary antibody. Alternatively non-ionic
detergent molecules, which prevent immunoreagents to bind to hydrophobic
compounds in the specimen, can be used. These detergents need to be present
during the entire immunodetection method.
During the incubation with immunoreagents, electrostatic and
ionic interaction between the specimen surface and immunoreagents needs to be
controlled to eliminate charge determined background. AURION BSA- c™ has
the unparalleled ability to effectively prevent this type of non-specific
staining. The activity of AURION BSA- c™ is warranted between pH 7.2 and 7.6. A
special newsletter on the prevention of background staining in immunochemistry
can be found here.
Aurion has developed two types of ready-to-use Incubation
buffers, based on AURION BSA-c™, that can be implemented in most immuno(cyto)chemical
procedures. These Incubation buffer solutions are used throughout the whole set
of reaction and washing steps, i.e., from immediately after the blocking step
(when appropriate), through the primary antibody incubations, in-between
washing steps, secondary incubation and the final washing steps.
Aurion Ready-to-use Incubation buffer solutions have a
guaranteed shelf life of 18 months.
A switch towards a different buffer system after the immuno
incubation is optional. For example to a Tris buffer at pH 8-9 for the optimal
development of the alkaline phosphatase signal.
Product Description
AURION Ready-to-use incubation buffer solutions based on AURION
BSA-cTM are
available in two buffer compositions:
PBS (10mM Phosphate buffer, 150mM NaCl) + 0.1% BSA-c™ + 15mM NaN3, pH7.4
PBS (10mM Phosphate buffer, 150mM NaCl) + 0.1% BSA-c™ + 0.1% TWEEN-20® + 15mM
NaN3, pH 7.4
Recommended use
900.099-PBS: The ready-to-use Incubation buffer that can be used
in all immuno (cyto)chemical methods. A protein block step is required. The use
of 900.099-PBS is recommended for those specimens and applications were
(ultra)structure is important and preservation of structure and/or extraction
is not warranted by the specimen preparation method (e.g., for Tokuyasu cryo
900.099-PBST: A ready-to-use Incubation buffer that combines the
positive effect of both AURION BSA-cTM and
Tween 20® with
respect to reduction of charge determined and hydrophobic background This
incubation buffer solution suits those applications were preservation of
structure is less important. A protein block step prior to the actual
incubation may not be required.
Application Instructions
Detailed information is provided in the package insert
AURION Ready-to-use Incubation buffer solutions 900.099-PBS and
900.099-PBST have a guaranteed shelf life of 18 months from the date of quality
control analysis. The buffers should be stored at 4-8°C. Freezing is not
(주)엘바이오시스템은 AURION의 한국대리점입니다.
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