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[iba Lifesciences] Many ways to purify proteins via affinity chromatography

관리자 2022.06.10 09:38 조회 1403 추천 24

Many ways to purify proteins via affinity chromatography

Dear Researcher,

one of the most popular methods to purify proteins is affinity chromatography. Depending on your required yield and/or your sample volume at starting point, there are different formats to choose from, such as cartridges for FPLC/HPLC devices, gravity flow columns, magnetic beads and spin columns. 

To help you decide which format is the right one, we have summarized the most popular formats and their features here.

Below you can also find several video tutorials, demonstrating protein purification via gravity flow columns as well as an updated protocol for small-scale protein purifcation with magnetic beads.

Purification via gravity flow columns - video tutorials

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