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[Cell Systems] Ideal Media For Every Experiment

관리자 2021.03.26 16:47 조회 1691 추천 23



Find the Right Cell Culture Media for Each of your Experiments

Our suite of specialized media provides researchers with a diverse set of tools to enhance research through consistent and stable environments for cell cultures. Cell Systems media may be used with all primary, immortalized, neoplastic and established cell lines.



Each media kit comes with a 10mL vial of Attachment Factor™ to assist the researcher in plating cells, and CultureBoost™ or RocketFuel™ — our proprietary growth factors — to activate the media.
All Cell Systems media and reagents are sterile, made with WFI and all components are cGMP and ISO Compliant.
Discover our cell culture media here, or ask a Cell Systems specialist which media is right for you.
With orders of 10 or more bottles of media, receive 20% off at checkout.





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