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[alomone labs] Deeper insights into protein distributions with 3D immunodetection

관리자 2024.06.07 14:30 조회 319 추천 6

3D immunodetection visualization


Have you ever wanted to peer deeper into the world of proteins and cellular structures of your tissues? If so, you’re not alone. The problem is that traditional immunodetection techniques produce 2D flat images since we have to section organs and tissues on account of their opacity. This limits our ability to see how structures exist and interact in three dimensions. But with optical clearing techniques and 3D immunodetection, we can see more than ever – offering deeper insights into protein distributions and interactions.

The Power of 3D Immunodetection

Picture this: you’re looking at a tissue sample, but instead of a flat section, you’re seeing a comprehensive, detailed view of the entire structure in three dimensions. This is the power of 3D immunodetection, made possible by innovative tissue clearing methods like DISCO and CUBIC. These chemical techniques work by making tissues transparent and allowing visualization of antibodies in the deep layers, which enables mapping out protein distributions like never before.

So, what makes optical clearing technique so special?

  1. Deeper visualization: tissue clearing turns tissues transparent, letting antibodies label proteins deep within.
  2. Structural integrity: it preserves tissue architecture, capturing the spatial relationships between structures, cells and proteins
  3. Quantitative analysis: whole-tissue images mean you can more accurately quantify protein expression across the entire sample.

Let’s take a closer look at the scientific contribution of 3D immunodetection in some recent high-impact studies. 


Study 1: TRPV1 in Spinal Nerve Compression


Study 2: AQP1 and NKCC1 in Cerebrospinal Fluid Production


Study 3: HCN4 in Heart Rhythm Disorders






